De-addiction Centre Fatehgarh Sahib
Nasha Mukti Kendra Fatehgarh Sahib
Drug Rehabilitation Centre Fatehgarh Sahib
Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre Fatehgarh Sahib
De-addiction Centre Fatehgarh Sahib is a town and a sacred pilgrimage site of Sikhism in the north west Indian state of Punjab. It is the headquarters of Fatehgarh Sahib district, located about 5 kilometers north of Sirhind.
Nasha Mukti Kendra ad Fatehgarh Sahib is very much in need as Fatehgarh Sahib is is bounded by
places like Rupa and Haryana in North Nasha Mukti Kendra at Fatehgarh Fatehgarh Sahib we have
started many awareness program for individuals in school colleges and at local workshops where we
help them understand why we have to stay away from drugs as they are harmful and spoil her life
generally people start consuming liquor for fun but later when they start consuming it more it will
become habit and then they get used to of it and started consuming It Everyday which and serve with
protection this addiction soil their life.
Nasha Mukti Kendra in Fatehpur Sahib, we have seen some different people getting recovered
and started a new life with the new beginning with their family it is not easy for individual to leave drugs
behind and start living life as normal as others which they used to have earlier because of which he get
into the trouble of this addiction so its very important that patients get a good treatment where he or
she can leave the bad habits and make sure that it will be not be repeated again and again
Many people wants to recover but due to non-availability of resources at Fatehgarh Sahib they
are not able to recover but now they have a opportunity so they can recover with the help of our
Nasha Mukti Kendra in Fatehgarh Sahib.Every individual deserve of good Society and
Society also need good individual who contribute to society and make best use of the resources
available rather getting into drugs and alcohol with spoil their life and also spoil their family
relation assistant architect Its better for everyone because many crimes which happened because of
addiction generally the people who are addicted of these drugs and need money to buy drugs but they
dont have then they start doing wrong things to the society it & our responsibility to help them recover
from this bad habits so the society will it also be safe and Secure from such people.
Although there are many in Fatehgarh Sahib but when we look for best Nasha Mukti Kendra in
Fatehpur Sahib lots of name which comes on screen but we only go for government approved
one of them is or are Nasha Mukti Kendra which is a government approved centre and we have
well include doctors nurses and staff we are capable of treating you in a right way as per the
government approved dosage for the patient.
government has approved certain doses for individual which every Nasha Mukti Kendra in
Fatehpur Sahib has to follow but to treat the patient and to show good results immediately few
centres are not following the dosage as per government approval we make sure that we follow
guidelines as per government in our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Fatehpur Sahib and when it comes to
fees of any Naksha Nasha Mukti Kendra in Faridkot are Centre is very economical compared to others
we make sure that our patients get good result in less cost and remix your that the process which we
follow should be very smooth for patients and their families and they get recovered early as soon as
possible so the patient can get back to his family and start supporting them financially physically and
mentally at our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Fatehpur Sahib we make sure that we treat our patient in
a right manner so their family and loved ones are always associated with that individual we allow their
families to visit and see the progress day by day by the treatment which we are providing to our patients
to get recovered from addiction as soon as possible.
the doctors we have available at our Centre are well qualified and understand the need of a patient who
is suffering from addiction the treatment which is available with us is very unique and specially designed
or you can say customised as per our patient acquirement the facility which we provide at our Centre is
luxury and very comfortable for the patients we always get appreciation from patients and their families
that the patient really enjoyed his stay with us and got best treatment out of the services which we
provided generally when a patient comes to was he has lost all the hopes of recovery and similar course
with their family they don't know if the patient will come out of this deadly disease but our councilors
make them understand that how our treatment will help and contribute two words there treatment and
they will get good results with our treatment.
well who don't want to live a drug free life every individual wants to live a drug feel life and want to live
with his family happily keeping this in mind we have opened multiple Rehab centres in Punjab Haryana
Himachal the only intention behind opening these many Rehab centres is to provide a best quality
treatment to each individual who is suffering from this deadly disease our motto is to make India a drug
free country there should not be a single one left with this kind of addiction problem for this our team is
dedicated and helping individual and putting extra ordinary effort to contribute the society and make
society better place for each one of us.
we believe in individual therapy because every individual requires a different kind of treatment so our
treatment is majorly on individual and designed as per the individual need counselling sessions which
we conduct for patients and we also provide them a treatment plan so when they start with us they
have a perfect plan of the treatment which the individual will go through this journey of recovery and
recover accordingly in this way we can monitor the progress of recovery day by day week by week and
see if the patient is on a track as per the treatment plan in this way we can a sure a time frame for a
recovery of any individual and we read patient based on that plan